4 stars for Night SparkNotes Literature Guide (Volume 48) (SparkNotes Literature Guide Series) by SparkNotes and Elie Wiesel.
Having graduated from school, it never once crosses my mind that one day, I will of my own accord, read a literature study guide again. But after reading Night, I find myself wanting to learn more about this historical event that rock the world, one that resulted in the greatest act of genocide known to mankind. And so, instead of regarding Night as one among many that I read for pleasure and enjoyment, I want to approach Night as a work of literature. I hope Night SparkNotes will allow me to see more, to see beyond what I have managed to glean by myself in my reading of Night.
Just as Wikipedia is highly consulted for general information, SparkNotes is highly regarded as one of the most helpful study guides to Literature, Math, Science and more. Many students regard SparkNotes as a good resource to turn to because it not only offers clear and concise explanations, it also provides important information for writing papers and studying for tests. Since Night is now one of the most widely read and taught accounts of the Holocaust, it does not surprise me that Night SparkNotes is readily available. In fact, I will be taken aback if the reverse is true.
Night SparkNotes starts off by examining the various literary devices that Night's author uses to make his story effective. Two that stand out well enough for me to remember even after I finish reading SparkNotes is the explanations given for author Wiesel's use of a boy named Eliezer as his stand-in and representative throughout the book and his choice to change some of the minor details in the story as opposed to what had actually happened.
For those who have already read Night, you will have known that it is a story that is narrated from the limited first person perspective, with no account of events that take place outside the narrator's direct observation, thus giving readers a deeply personal impression of the horrors of the Holocaust. Understanding the why and the how by which the author makes his personal story effective in its intended delivery is paramount because the book was written not only to document historical truths but also emotional truth as experienced by Wiesel himself.
Though SparkNotes views Night as neither a record of facts nor an impartial document, it refers to Night as a memoir, as the writing is a mixture of testimony and emotional truth telling. Taking the stand that Night is the author's attempt to recreate thoughts, feelings and experiences as a teenage prisoner in the concentration camps, SparkNotes analyses the major characters and explores the major themes in the book.
SparkNotes gives a concise summary of Night, a good explanation of the important quotations in the book and teaches the reader the importance of breaking a work of literature down into smaller parts and examining how those parts - plot, characters, setting, tone, narrator, themes and imagery- work, both individually and collectively, for literary analysis. It also provides a step-by-step guide to writing a well-constructed literary essay and even offers a list of suggested essay topics. The study guide finally concludes with an example of a A+ student essay.
All in all, Night SparkNotes is a handy literature guide. Viewed simply, it acts as a supplement to existing text or even like a friend explaining a particular chapter of the book. Though I am reading it to further my interest and not for purpose of studying for test or examination, I have benefited greatly in my understanding of Night through the interpretation and analysis of SparkNotes. With that, I can understand how useful this study guide can be for students taking Night as part of their school curriculum.
Publisher: SparkNotes; Study Guide, Reprint edition
Publication date: 4 Feb 2014
Created by Harvard students for students everywhere, SparkNotes is a new breed of study guide: smarter, better, faster. Geared to what today's students need to know, SparkNotes provides chapter-by-chapter analysis; explanations of key themes, motifs, and symbols; and a review quiz and essay topics. Lively and accessible, these guides are perfect for late-night studying and writing papers.
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