4 stars for 30 Days to Happiness: Daily Meditations and Actions for Finding True Joy Within Yourself by Rhonda Sciortino.
I read this book because I am curious about its content. Is it possible to find true happiness in a mere 30 days?
What is happiness? According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, happiness is a state of well-being and contentment. Sure, everyone wants to be happy, but not many know the way to get there and this explanation of a feeling of being happy doesn't actually tell us much, does it?
This book tells us what happiness, or rather, true happiness is. It is a treasure trove of rich wisdom and practical tips for acquiring and maintaining true happiness. It recognises the need to first determine that which stands in the way of our being happy and then the steps to take in order to pursue, attain and maintain happiness. It tells us how courage, honesty, reliability, listening and many more can help with lighting the path to a happier life and how the choice to stay positive will lead to genuine sustainable happiness.
I like that each chapter is short and starts off with a quote. Some of the quotes actually stick with me that I decide to include them in my list of quotes taken verbatim from books I have read. The concepts are easy to grasp and self reflect upon. Overall, this little book is a do-good book. It tells us to be good, to do good and to improve upon our character. It is a good book, all right, but the reality is, it is easier said than done, especially for the recommended actions at the end of each chapter. I know I am being skeptical, but seriously, I doubt anyone can attain that level of goodness listed herein.
30 Days to Happiness is actually not a 30-day effort in the real sense of things, but rather a daily practice to be adopted as a way of life. This book is after all only a guide, one that spells everything out in words and in print, to bring us closer to inner peace and joy. To attain and maintain genuine happiness, there must be a willingness to change, commitment to improve and the perseverance to see the actions through to where we want to be.
Daily actions to finding true happiness. Anyone?
Publisher: Hatherleigh Press
Publication date: 29 Jan 2019
*** Favourite quote 1 ***
Genuine happiness isn't found in achievements or in the acquisition of material things.
*** Favourite quote 2 ***
In creating your action plan for a truly successful life, take inventory of the things of true value in your life.
***Favourite quote 3 ***
For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
*** Favourite quote 4 ***
If you want to be happy in life, measure, value, and guard your peace.
When you lose your peace, you lose your happiness. It’s that simple.
Authentic peace is internal.
No one can give it to you, and no one can steal it from you, so long as you refuse to allow them to do so.
*** Favourite quote 5 ***
We don’t learn powerful lessons and develop priceless character traits like patience during times of fun and ease; we learn the important character traits, like patience, only through the frustrations of life.
*** Favourite quote 6 ***
If you aren't grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more?
— Roy T. Bennett
*** Favourite quote 7 ***
Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it.
— William Feather
*** Favourite quote 8 ***
It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.
— Dale Carnegie
~ 30 Days to Happiness
Rhonda Sciortino
Everybody wants to be happy, yet few people know how to get there. We think we will be happy if we get the right job, meet the right people, get the new car. But there will always be something else we want--genuine happiness comes from within. It's a state of mind, a way of looking at the world, a commitment to improving ourselves and authentically enjoying life.
30 DAYS TO HAPPINESS is an honest assessment of the 30 key life inventory items that have the biggest influence on your happiness. By examining ourselves and finding room for improvement, we learn to treat each new day as an opportunity to live our best possible life, finding new solutions to challenges as we take another step down the path to true happiness.
Make the most of your life by committing to becoming truly happy.
*Blurb from Goodreads*
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