4 stars for Essential Oils Natural Remedies: The Complete A-Z Reference of Essential Oils for Health and Healing by Althea Press.
A friend introduces me into the world of Young Living (YL) 100% pure essential oil somewhere last October. Though I attended their talk and tried out one of their oils, my interest isn't fully piqued until beginning of this year when I purchase more of their oils and find myself loving them more and more. Five months later, I decide to take the plunge and join as a YL member.
Though a YL member and equipped with an Essential Oils pocket reference book by Life Science Publishing (compliments of my friend), I find myself hungry for more information from other guidebooks written or research done with no reference whatsoever to YL. The thing is, I want a clear and unbiased view on the uses, applications and powers of nature's remedies without the influence of any one particular brand.
With the above in mind, I proceed to do my share of research and readings online. It is then that I realise that the more I read, the more confused I get. A good example is on the topic of ingesting essential oils. While some are strong advocates when it comes to ingesting the so-called therapeutic grade essential oils, others clearly warn against doing so. In the end, I find myself researching on books to buy instead and that is how I land up with not one but two essential oil reference books; this being one of them.
Having read this A-Z reference on essential oils, below is my take on this guidebook:-
(1) Pleasing layout with coloured chapters.
(2) Easy to use and navigate.
(3) Clear and concise explanations on uses and application methods, blending and precautions.
(4) Covers 168 common ailments with suggested homemade remedies.
(5) Includes profiles of 75 essential oils.
(6)Provides reviews on 10 most popular essential oils brands and their products.
(7) While the book does not recommend ingestion of essential oils, it does not condemn doing so; instead it encourages readers to do proper research prior to using essential oils internally.
(1) Non-exhaustive coverage on the profiles of essential oils. To name a few, Cistus, Wintergreen and Palo Santo are not mentioned in the book.
(2) No information on ingestion of essential oils. Taken verbatim from the book "While this book does not recommend ingesting essential oils, after proper research, you may decide it is right for you."
In my opinion, the book is plainly taking the easy way out by putting this huge disclaimer out there. To that end, it defeats my purpose of buying this guidebook because the very act of purchasing this book is the result of having conducted this so-called proper research.
(3) Not much information is provided on the 10 popular essential oils brands and their products except awareness of the brand name itself.
All in all, I am pleased with the wide coverage of ailments and recipes offered for natural remedies. However, this book can have done better by providing more information with regard to ingesting essential oils.
Publisher: Althea Press; 1 edition
Publication date: 21 Jan 2015
From the Creators of the New York Times Bestseller Essential Oils for Beginners The healing properties of essential oils are virtually limitless. You can put them to work today without the hassle, expense, and frustration that come with consulting doctors and taking prescription medicines.
Essential Oils Natural Remedies offers essential oils practitioners of all levels a comprehensive home reference for a lifetime of health-related needs.
Easy-to-navigate A-to-Z guide to remedies that heal or mitigate symptoms for a range of ailments, from acne to migraines to Parkinson's disease, and more. Special features explain how to diffuse oils, make a compress, and offer healing massage. Over 170 ailments covered and over 300 homemade remedies included. Profiles of 75 essential oils to know and use, including info on medicinal uses, application methods, blending, and precautions. Reviews the 10 most popular essential oils brands and their products.
Take the power to heal back into your own hands with essential oils for all of your everyday health needs.
*Blurb from Goodreads*
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