2.5 stars for Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach.
This timeless classic comes recommended by one of my reading buddies; one who is blessed to have been gifted a copy of the book - the original edition which is comprised of three parts - by an uncle more than twenty years ago. Initially, I thought Jonathan Livingston Seagull is the author's name but realise soon enough that it is but the title of the book. Though not as fortunate as my friend who is the happy owner of the original edition, I consider myself lucky to come into possession albeit a temporary one of The complete edition which includes the rediscovered Part Four and 'Last Words' by the author.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a short story with seagulls as characters, conveying a moral. It centers on Jonathan, an extraordinary bird, a gull that searches for a meaning, a higher purpose for life, a reason to live, to discover, to learn and to break free of the thousand years of tradition - scrabbling after food scraps - which the rest of the flock of seagulls follow day after day without question, without fail.
This inspirational fable about seagulls, freedom and their love of flying teaches us that there is more to life than is, if only we are willing to see with our eyes, listen with our ears and feel with our hearts instead of merely being contented to watch, hear and touch. Very often, we cannot see beyond what is because we have, unconsciously or deliberately, limit ourselves to fear - of the unknowns - or rituals or superstitions or any other form of limitation.
I am glad that the copy I have on hand is the complete edition because I cannot imagine myself coming to the end of the story at Part Three. Though Part three ends on a high note, it feels incomplete as if something is amiss. The rediscovered Part Four certainly makes the story whole. Have I mentioned how I like the ending? Head out to get hold of a copy of the complete edition if you haven't yet and you will understand why.
Live your life, let go - of boredom, fear and anger - and embrace youself; the choice is yours to make, the freedom yours to choose.
Publisher: Scribner; Reissue edition
Publication date: 21 Oct 2014
*** Favourite quote 1 ***
Overcome space, and all we have left is Here. Overcome time, and all we have left is Now. And in the middle of Here and Now, don't you think that we might see each other once or twice?
*** Favourite quote 2 ***
...one's body being nothing more than thought itself...
*** Favourite quote 3 ***
Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you'll see the way to fly.
~ Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Richard Bach
This book is a song for spirits who have lived so long and so quietly by themselves. Jonathan Seagull is a story for one who knows that somewhere there’s a higher way of living than scuffing the tracks of others, someone who yearns to fly the way their own heart yearns to fly.
It’s a reminder, this little fable, that the path for us to follow is already written within, that it's for each of us to find our own loves, and live them brightly for ourselves. Others may watch, they may admire our resolution or despise it, but our one freedom is for us to love and to choose every day of our lives, as we wish.
*Blurb from JonathanLivingstonSeagull.com*
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