Tuesday, December 31, 2024
2024 Year in Review and 2025 New Year's Resolution
Another year has come and gone.
In the blink of an eye, it has been ten years since I started recording the number of books read and sharing a year-in-review post.
I read and reviewed a total of 7 books this year. It should have been only 3 books. But somehow, I managed to read 4 more Chinese novels before the year is out, to make it to my favourite number 7. For that, I am grateful and happy. :)
Year 2024 @ 7 (-10 YOY)
Year 2023 @ 17 (-14 YOY)
Year 2022 @ 31 (-14 YOY)
Year 2021 @ 45 (-5 YOY)
Year 2020 @ 50 (+4 YOY)
Year 2019 @ 46 (-16 YOY)
Year 2018 @ 62 (+10 YOY)
Year 2017 @ 52 (■ YOY)
Year 2016 @ 52 (-22 YOY)
Year 2015 @ 74 (-23 YOY)
Year 2014 @ 97
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Review: Kaleidoscope of Death (Break the Cocoon #2) by Xi Zi Xu |《死亡万花筒》破茧【下】西子绪著
5 stars for Kaleidoscope of Death (Break the Cocoon book 2) by Xi Zi Xu |《死亡万花筒》破茧【下】西子绪著.
This is going to be a long review. No, scratch that. This is a long review. It is not often that I am willing to spend more time writing the book review than reading the book. I finished reading this book in four days' time but I used seven days and then some to organize my thoughts and feelings in this post. Besides the main write-up, listing down the finer details in both the book and the drama takes up a lot of time and energy. But I do that most willingly as I am a die-hard fan of the drama "The Spirealm" |《致命游戏》as well as the book "Kaleidoscope of Death" |《死亡万花筒》.
The Kaleidoscope of Death series is an extraordinary story. It check all the boxes I look for in a mystery-horror novel. It captivates me with eerie atmospheres and chilling narratives, yet it is not spooky all the time. There is a good balance of the fear and entertaining factor what with light-hearted scenes being woven into the scary ones. It is also thought-provoking and emotionally rending as the basis of the story goes against the very fabric of our being - our usual association of time and space no longer applies.
It is difficult not to fall in love with the two lead characters, Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu, that the author has created, especially when they are capable, highly intelligent, and not to mention, tall, strong and strikingly beautiful. The author does a brilliant job blowing life into these two characters such that they leap out of the pages to entice me in joining them in their exciting adventures both inside the Doors and outside. It is a great pleasure to join these two amazing characters in their world, be it the real world or the virtual one behind the Door. Their presence leave such a deep imprint in my reading journey that I doubt I will ever forget them.
Behind every good story, there is almost always a story twist - unexpected, mind-blowing and one that is slowly revealed in good time. When the twist rears its head, it leaves the reader breathless and staring into space. Seriously, when the twist in the story is so overwhelming, readers need time to recover from it. A long time. That is what "Kaleidoscope of Death" |《死亡万花筒》does to me.
When I watch the drama "The Spirealm" |《致命游戏》, I revel in the unexpected twist, but I also take time to get over it. I thought that since I have already watched the drama, I should be well prepared for the original story in the book. How wrong am I... When I reach the end of the story and read the first portion of the "Extra" |《番外》that comes right after, I realize nothing can prepare me for the twist in the story. I find myself in a daze. I read and re-read the ending and "Extra", again and again. I cannot help but keep thinking about the story and what it signifies. Even as I write this review, I am still reeling from the revelation.
After reading all the books in this series, some of the scenes in the drama that originally do not make sense to me now do. But soon enough, I realize the same issue is still there, it has simply shifted from the drama to the story in the books. When I read the books, there will always be some scenes or conversations that do not connect. I am glad that I have managed to figure it out by reading the online novel. This story originates as an online novel after all. And the online version is the original, unedited version (online novels have more leeway in certain aspects). I find it quite sad and a pity that the books I spent my hard-earned money on are not the uncut version. Sadly, that is pretty much the way it is - online Chinese novels have to be edited to meet certain criteria before they can be sent for publication.
This book 4 continues from where Door 12《发鬼》left off in book 3. Both Door 12《发鬼》and Door 14《无解》in this book are shown in the drama, but for obvious reason, the drama production team changes the name for both Doors. To be honest, I did not expect the drama to follow the original story in the book very closely. But amazingly, it did! For the last Door 14, even though I have already watched the drama and have an inkling of what is going to happen, I still get goosebumps when I read the book and watch the scenes unfold in my mind's eye. That goes to show how well written the story is.
I guess every reader has his or her little reading quirks. Needless to say, I have my own too. And one of them is that I will always look out for the book title inside the story itself. I have never failed in my endeavor so far, which is why after reading book 1, 2 and 3, I start to worry. Where is "Kaleidoscope" |《万花筒》? When is it ever going to be mentioned in the book? Or have I missed it? Well, just when I thought it is a hopeless cause, the word "Kaleidoscope" |《万花筒》appear. Finally. I find what I want and I'm happy.
As far back as I can remember, I have always preferred to read the book first before I catch the movie or chase the drama. My reason has always been simple - I enjoy having the story played out in my mind's eye. Mostly, I do not want my imagination to be in any way affected by the actions and faces of the actors in the movie or drama. But now, I start to think differently. Perhaps it is not that bad after all. In this case, I watch the drama "The Spirealm" |《致命游戏》first, way before I even know that it originates from an online novel that was subsequently published into a series of four books. Now that I have the books, when I read them, the drama scenes automatically flash before my eyes. Also, the characters in the book now come equipped with the faces of the actors in the drama, and it is especially prominent for the two main leads. Surprisingly, I find myself liking and enjoying this drama-first-book-second association. Another bonus for watching the drama first is that the OST will somehow find the appropriate time to float to the forefront of my mind when I read. It is a joy to read a book and feel at the same time that I am watching my little personal drama - up in my head where no one else can see! - with OST accompaniment.
There is always this dilemma when I am hooked to a fascinating story. I want to finish the book but I don't want to finish the book. As I read, I will remind myself intermittently to go slow to prolong my reading experience. Because once a book is read, there is no turning back. I can never un-read the story. But this is always easier said than done. Most times, I end up staying up late to keep the pages turning. That is the reason why I took seven days to finish the first book, six days to finish the second, five days to complete my third and only a mere four days to wrap my last book. I want to finish the book but I don't want to finish the book. The former wins! With that, I uncover the ending faster than intended.
As to the story ending, I like the ending in both the drama and the book, BUT, I will say, I like the ending in the book more. I will touch on this again later on with detailed explanations (with spoiler alert).
Again, for my own reference, I am putting down the name of the Doors here as listed in the book (the former) as opposed to what the drama has it termed (the latter). After matching, I find that the Doors in the drama are largely given the same names as that in the book. There are subtle differences but mostly negligible. But still, I want to stress that though name of the Door could be the same, the Door content and its sequence as shown in the drama do not always follow that of the book. Careful observers will notice that there is no drama Door 4. That is because it is not shown.
Also, as what the author has pointed out, I want to highlight that the Door number is based on the number of Doors entered by the main character Lin Qiushi, not the level he entered. As this is the last book in the series, I shall list down all the Doors. A note to self - this book 4 is the story of Door 12, 13 and 14.
Book vs Drama
Door 1《独自莫凭拦》vs Door 1《雪村》
Door 2《菲尔夏鸟》vs Door 2《菲尔夏鸟》
Door 3《阿姐鼓》vs Door 3《阿姐鼓》
Door 4《雨中女郎》vs Door 7《雨中女郎》
Door 5《佐子》vs Door 5《佐子》
Door 6《乌鸦稻草人》vs Door NA
Door 7《威福利山疗养院》vs Door 6《威福利山疗养院》
Door 8《铜镜》vs Door NA
Door 9《哭儿郎》vs Door 8《夜哭郎》
Door 10《晴天娃娃》vs Door 9《扫晴娘》
Door 11《雕像》vs Door NA
Door 12《发鬼》vs Door 10《箱妖》
Door 13《米诺陶诺斯》vs Door NA
Door 14《无解》vs Door 11《百鬼夜行》
Next up, I am listing down the characters - both the real name and pseudonym - who enter the Door with Lin Qiushi. Also included are the characters of significance whom he meets inside the Door in this book series. Along with this list are clues for the Door (if any), the conditions that trigger death, location of keys and location of Doors. Again, the Door number is the number of Doors Lin Qiushi enters into, not the level. As a reference, he enters a total of 14 Doors. For practical reason, this portion will all be detailed in Chinese.
*** Spoiler Alert ***
If you have yet to read the online novel or books, or watch the drama, you might want to stop scrolling downwards.
The twelve Doors "Kaleidoscope of Death" |《死亡万花筒》are as follows:
门所在:姐姐划破鼓面 就出现门
第六扇门:乌鸦稻草人 (网络小说为 瘦长鬼影)
线索:乌鸦稻草人 (网络小说为 瘦长鬼影)
钥匙所在:戴帽子的乌鸦稻草人身体里 (网络小说里 戴帽子的瘦长鬼影身体里)
死亡条件:502 门牌号
有趣点:阮南烛再次进第六扇门 (之前已拿到了第七扇门的线索,但觉得线索不适进人)
钥匙所在:烧焦的房子里 三口全家福下面
钥匙所在:神寺里的僧人被安下头后 其法杖化为钥匙
为了报仇 林秋石和阮南烛假扮新人,蹭崔学义的第三扇门。
线索:以牙还牙 以眼还眼
第十二扇门:发鬼 (网络小说为 箱女)
线索:发鬼 (网络小说为 箱女)
死亡条件:开盒 开出发鬼或伥鬼 (网络小说里 开箱 开出箱人或箱女)
钥匙所在:落地钟柜门开出 (网络小说里 保险箱开出)
门所在:厨房里的盒子 (网络小说里 厨房里的箱子)
有趣点:阮南烛再次进第十扇门 (之前已拿到了第十一扇门的线索,但觉得线索不对劲)
有趣点:接网上活儿的门, 蹭顾龙鸣的第六扇门。
门所在:第十二扇门,选择题:虚幻之生 真实之死
在真实世界里 实际是林秋石的第十二扇门 - 第十二扇门是门中门。
From here onwards, I will mention details in the story as well as in the drama. If you have yet to read the online novel or the books, or watch the drama, you might want to skip the entire section below. For me, I am putting down these details (and revelations) more for my own reference - now and future. To understand "Kaleidoscope of Death" |《死亡万花筒》fully, one has to read all four books from the beginning to the end as well as the "Extra" |《番外》that the author provides right after the main story has ended.
*** Spoiler Alert ***
The Book: Ending of "Kaleidoscope of Death" |《死亡万花筒》
Ruan Nanzhu is the Door keeper of the twelfth Door. He came out of the Door to be with Lin Qiushi. As a result, the twelfth Door is permanently closed to all the people who enter Doors.
The entire novel is about Lin Qiushi's twelfth Door. Though the story begins with the world inside Door 1 "Snow Village" |《雪村》, it is actually not Lin Qiushi's first Door but his twelfth. And Ruan Nanzhu is Lin Qiushi's twelfth Door. All the Doors that Lin Qiushi enters as well as all the people he meets are carried out in this twelfth Door. It is based on Lin Qiushi's real world and has been partially modified by the twelfth Door keeper, Ruan Nanzhu.
Ruan Nanzhu's existence is an extra memory of everyone's. Before he comes out of the twelfth Door, there is no Ruan Nanzhu in the world, meaning, no Ruan Nanzhu in the real world that Lin Qiushi is in. In the twelfth Door, Ruan Nanzhu gives Lin Qiushi the option to choose - there are two keys (instead of one) to exit this Door - the key to illusory life or the key to real death. No matter what kind of world Lin Qiushi wants, Ruan Nanzhu can give it to him, so the choice is in Lin Qiushi's hands.
Before entering his twelfth Door, Lin Qiushi enters and experiences all the Doors alone by himself in the real world. After various trials, he joins a group that specializes in Door entering, called "Obsidian" |《黑曜石》. Then he enters the twelfth Door. Unexpectedly, the twelfth Door is Ruan Nanzhu. In the end, the two of them are together, and there is no longer a twelfth Door. It is closed to all the people.
The Book: Summary of "Kaleidoscope of Death" |《死亡万花筒》
The book is about dying people or people who are going to die having the opportunity to enter a different time and space where there are twelve iron Doors. Every time you open a Door, you will be greeted with a supernatural story. The world inside the Door is full of death and traps. It is said that if you pass through all the twelve Doors, you will be granted a new life. But if you die inside the Door, you will also die when you exit the Door and return to the reality of the world.
At first, Lin Qiushi's pet cat refuses to go near him, let alone be hugged. Gradually, Lin Qiushi finds that everything around him begins to be filled with disharmony.
Later one day, when he opens the Door of his home, he finds that the familiar corridor has turned into a long corridor where there are twelve exact looking iron Doors. The story begins here.
The Book: The Three Worlds in "Kaleidoscope of Death" |《死亡万花筒》
There are three planes of existence in the book.
The first is the world outside the Door. This is the real world where Lin Qiushi lives in, and where he is the boss of the organisation "Obsidian" |《黑曜石》.
The second is the world inside the Door. This is the world where people who are dying or going to die enter to have a chance to be granted a new life. If you die inside the Door, you will also die when you exit the Door and return to the real world. If you survive all the twelve Doors, you will be granted a new lease of life.
The third is the world inside the Door that resides within the twelfth Door. This is the world that the twelfth Door keeper, Ruan Nanzhu, specially creates for Lin Qiushi, a world where Lin Qiushi enters all the Doors as if for the first time (his memory has been erased), together with Ruan Nanzhu. This world is a replica of the real world that Lin Qiushi lives in, which is why he thought he is just passing through the eleventh Door, and the choice of life and death is the twelfth Door. Most importantly, he thought Ruan Nanzhu is a person in the real world. This is perhaps best summarised in Chinese below.
第三是门中门的世界,这就是林秋石的第十二扇门的门内世界,也是阮南烛特地为他独创的虚幻世界,一个复制了林秋石真实世界的门内世界。记忆被抹去的林秋石 以为自己是在阮南烛的陪伴下全新的第一次过门,并且进的是第十一扇门,而第十二扇门则是生与死的选择。最重要的是,他以为阮南烛是真实世界中的人。
The Book: All about "Kaleidoscope of Death" |《死亡万花筒》
(1) The entire novel from the beginning in Door 1 "Snow Village" |《雪村》right up to when Lin Qiushi comes out of Door 11, is the story of Lin Qiushi's twelfth Door. He finds two keys in the clock - one key for illusory life and one key for real death. Illusory life means staying inside the Door forever and living inside the Door with friends who are already dead in the real world (a second chance to live with friends who have passed on); real death means returning to the real world, but without his significant other, Ruan Nanzhu.
(2) At that time, Lin Qiushi thought that Ruan Nanzhu is a person from the real world. He thought he is simply passing through the eleventh Door, and the choice of life and death is the twelfth Door, so he decisively chooses real death and went out of the twelfth Door; his instinct telling him that Ruan Nanzhu will do the same. In truth, Ruan Nanzhu is a non-existent person in the real world which is why none of the members in the organization called "Obsidian" |《黑曜石》knows him. After Lin Qiushi exits from the twelve Door, he is the only person who has memories of Ruan Nanzhu. He finds it unbelievable that no one knows or remembers Ruan Nanzhu.
(3) A year later (actually, it is only a few days inside the Door), Ruan Nanzhu comes out of the twelfth Door. His exit as a Door keeper has an impact on the real world - something changes. The Obsidian members who do not remember him now do. The only difference is that they remember him as a mere presence, someone they know but no deep relationship with. And that explains why Bai Ming, who is supposedly Ruan Nanzhu's best friend, seems to be closer to Lin Qiushi instead.
(4) Ruan Nanzhu is the Door keeper of the twelfth Door. In the book, the role played by Ruan Nanzhu - boss of organization "Obsidian" |《黑曜石》- is actually that of the Lin Qiushi's in the real world. Lin Qiushi enters the Door because of lung cancer caused by heavy smoking.
(5) As an excellent Door-enterer, Lin Qiushi attracts the attention of the ultimate twelfth Door keeper, Ruan Nanzhu, who decides to construct an illusory world by tampering with Lin Qiushi's memory and letting him take Lin Qiushi through all the Doors again. This is the heart calamity of Lin Qiushi's twelfth Door. Everyone's twelfth Door is different - which is why the clue to the eleventh Door is "no solution" - and not everyone is as "favored" by the Door keeper as Lin Qiushi.
(6) Because Ruan Nanzhu has erased all traces of his own memories as the twelfth Door keeper, he forgets that he is actually a Door keeper. He goes through all the Doors with Lin Qiushi and experiences everything with him. Lin Qiushi, whose memory has been erased by Ruan Nanzhu in the twelfth Door becomes a new person. That is why his pet cat, Li Zi will not let him hug him. The entire novel starts from here. Before Door 11 "The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons" |《百鬼夜行》, Ruan Nanzhu does not know that he is a Door keeper. It is until the ghost, Zuo Zi takes him to the apartment where Lin Qiushi used to live and Ruan Nanzhu watches the scenes played out on the TV that he realizes he is not a human.
The Drama: Summary of "The Spirealm" |《致命游戏》
The drama is about a virtual reality game with twelve Doors (imagine a game with twelve levels). Players enter the Doors to find themselves in strange encounters. Once the player starts playing the game, that is, enters the first door, there is no turning back, he or she will have to continue with entering the Doors (imagine passing the game level) until the last one, the twelfth Door.
Each Door is filled with traps and mysterious creatures, some scary, some terrifying, but mostly deadly. To exit each Door, the players have to search for a key and a Door. Using the key to open the Door, they can then leave the Door of that level they have entered into until the next Door beckons.
Somehow, the game got hacked and the players after entering the Door, find themselves faced with progressively more violence, gore and death. To purify the game, the game founder creates an AI to do patching. This AI has to enter the Doors like any other player as patching can only be performed inside the last Door, the twelfth Door. Hence, the creation of Ruan Lanzhu. He is the AI, the NPC.
The Drama: The Three Worlds in "The Spirealm" |《致命游戏》
In the drama, there are also three planes of existence.
The first is the real world outside the Spirit Realm. This is the world where Ling Jiushi lives in. But this is where the similarity ends. In the drama, this real world is also the world where Ling Jiushi's University good friend, Gao Dawei, creates the game "Spirit Realm" | 灵境, a virtual game with twelve Doors. In the book, Gao Dawei does not exist. There is no such character.
The second is the virtual world inside the Spirit Realm. This is the "Spirit Realm" virtual world | 灵境 created by the aforementioned Gao Dawei. Within this "Spirit Realm" virtual world, Gao Dawei creates twelve Doors (to be further explained in the third plane of existence). All the people who play the game will enter into this world, and all of them think that this is the real world when in fact, this is the virtual reality world of the Spirit Realm. To put it simply, this world is the game hall of the Spirit Realm. All the people who play the game, the moment they start playing, never leave the game hall. These players can only get out of this "Spirit Realm" virtual world and go back into the real world when they have completed the twelfth Door (imagine passing game level 12) residing within this virtual world. All the players think this is the real world because this game hall is an exact replica of the real world where they come from.
The third is the virtual world inside the Door that resides within the Spirit Realm. There are basically twelve Doors inside the "Spirit Realm" virtual world. Behind each Door lies a different scene and challenge. Due to the hack, there are now different variations of the same Door level, each one a life-and-death test with increasing violence and gore. Each time a player succeeds in playing the game, that is passing the Door, they will exit from the world inside the Door and go back into the "Spirit Realm" virtual world. When a player dies inside the game, meaning inside the Door, that player will also die when he or she exit this Door and return to the "Spirit Realm" virtual world. Death in the world inside the Door have an effect on the virtual world inside the Spirit Realm because they both belong to the Spirit Realm game. They co-exist and complement each other. Again, this is perhaps best summarised in Chinese below.
第一是门外的世界,这就是凌久时活在的真实世界。这也是凌久时昔日的大学同窗 高大威所在的同一个真实世界。灵境游戏的缔造者正是高大威。书中并没有高大威这个人物,他根本不存在。
第二是灵境的世界,这就是高大威创造出来的虚幻世界,是个灵境游戏,游戏里有十二扇门。所有灵境游戏的玩家都会进入这个世界。他们全都认为这是真实世界,而实际上,这是灵界的虚拟世界。简单来说,这个世界就是灵界的游戏大厅。所有玩家,从他们进入第一扇门的开始,就离不开这个游戏大厅。只有成功的过了最后一扇门 也就是第十二扇门后 这些玩才能从这个灵境世界回到真实世界。所有玩家都以为灵境是真实世界 因为这个游戏大厅跟他们所认识的真实世界是一模一样的。
第三是门中门的世界,这就是处在灵境世界里的门内世界。“灵境”虚拟世界内基本上有十二扇门。每一扇门里都有不同的场景和挑战。由于黑客攻击,同一扇门的级别出现了不同的版本。每个版本除了是生死攸关的考验,也是充满了逐渐增加的暴力和血腥。每当玩家成功的过了门,他们就会从门内世界退出,回到“灵境”虚拟世界。但只要玩家死在门内,回到“灵界”虚拟世界后的玩家 也会面临死亡。在门内死了,在门外也一样会死,因为门内世界和虚拟世界都处于灵境,是属于灵界游戏的。
The Drama: All about "The Spirealm" |《致命游戏》
(1) Ruan Lanzhu is an NPC. He knows he is an AI all along right from the start in the drama. Since he is an NPC, why does Ruan Lanzhu appear in the real world? Truth is, Ruan Lanzhu has never appeared in the real world. He has always existed in the virtual reality world inside the Spirit Realm. He is not an NPC in the world inside the Door, but an NPC in the Spirit Realm. Imagine the NPC big boss of the "Spirit Realm" virtual world. He is it! That is the reason why after Ling Jiushi comes out from the Spirit realm virtual world and returns to the real world, he finds strangers living in the headquarters of organization "Obsidian" |《黑曜石》, because there is no Ruan Lanzhu in the real world.
(2) Ruan Lanzhu is a hidden NPC, created by Gao Dawei for Ling Jiushi. He is also a patch. After the operation rights of "Spirit Realm" | 灵境 are seized by capital, creator Gao Dawei wanted to purify the game. However, he has no way to change the game by editing, so he changes it by adding instead. He creates and uploads an NPC with a hidden task according to Ling Jiushi's preferences. This NPC pretends to be a player and creates the organization "Obsidian" |《黑曜石》before Ling Jiushi enters the game. As an NPC, he has no emotions and he waits patiently alone inside the Door for Ling Jiushi to start his destiny - purifying the game. He is set as a high level expert who has passed the tenth Door. His information cannot be found in the virtual reality world.
(3) In the first episode of the drama, Ling Jiushi receives the game delivered by express delivery and goes to an Internet cafe. After coming out of the Internet cafe, he sees a Door on the road. This Door is very similar to the eleventh Door in the "Spirit Realm" | 灵境 game. Then Ling Jiushi is hit by a car. Right after, several scenes flashed by quickly - the Door and also the circular stone steps waiting to enter the Door. Right after, the picture darkens, and Ling Jiushi returns to his apartment. This does not seem logical. How can he go back to his home without any problem after being badly hit by a car? This seems to indicate that Ling Jiushi enters the game on the road and he arrives at the "Spirit Realm" virtual world from that moment onwards.
(4) In episode 72 when Ruan Lanzhu explains the truth to Ling Jiushi, the scene shifts to show Door 1 "Snow Village" |《雪村》with Ruan Lanzhu standing on the mountain and looking down. A blue-clothed Ling Jiushi is seen running and trying to avoid a wolf's attack, and then, another red-clothed Ling Jiushi walks up. The two Ling Jiushi eventually merged into one person which suggests that the red one represents Ling Jiushi's person and consciousness entering from the real world, while the blue one is simply an NPC. That is why after Ruan Lanzhu's hint helps saved Ling Jiushi from the wolf, Ruan Lanzhu says "It is still better to command a living person", because he has commanded NPC Ling Jiushi many times already.
(5) In episode 72, in the University dormitory world inside the Door, Ruan Lanzhu picks up Ling Jiushi's profile data but does not flip to look inside. With Ruan Lanzhu's careful character, it is unlike him not to scrutinize Ling Jiushi's personal data. This indicates that he has seen it countless times and has waited for an unknown amount of time for Ling Jiushi to appear. Every time Ruan Lanzhu arrives at a Door, he will wait there because that will be the birth point of Ling Jiushi's game. Finally one day, Ling Jiushi appears and Ruan Lanzhu follows him into the Door. In their first encounter in the "Snow Village" |《雪村》, after Ruan Lanzhu saves Ling Jiu from the wolf, he said to him "I hope the person I have saved is worth saving." This sentence actually signifies his attitude towards the purifying fate: "I hope the person I have waited for so long is worth waiting for, and I hope that the person I meet in the end is worth it."
Book vs Drama: "Kaleidoscope of Death" |《死亡万花筒》vs "The Spirealm" |《致命游戏》
Now that I have finished with putting down details and revelations of the book "Kaleidoscope of Death" |《死亡万花筒》and the drama "The Spirealm" |《致命游戏》, I want to highlight the main difference between the two. It all stems from the three planes of existence.
In the book, right from the beginning of the story, the author cleverly hides the third plane of existence, that is, the world of the Door inside the twelfth Door. The reader, any reader in fact, will assume and rightly so, that there are only two planes of existence - the real world outside the Door and the illusory world inside the Door. And the best part is, the author continues to conceal the truth right up to the last chapter where it is only implied, that perhaps something is not right with Lin Qiushi's memory. It is so well disguised that, as a reader, I also echo the same sentiments as Lin Qiushi and thought that Ruan Nanzhu is a real person from the real world, and somehow for reasons unknown, the people in the real world have forgotten about Ruan Nanzhu's existence.
The truth - the third plance of existence - is only revealed after the end of the main story under the "Extra" |《番外》. To say that the truth is mind-provoking is an understatement. Because the story, the world-building of the Doors, the characters and everything else that we have come to know so very well from the beginning to the end, are not what they are. My world as the reader of Doors crumbles along with the disclosure that the entire novel is about Lin Qiushi's twelfth Door. The revelation leaves me totally flabbergasted.
In contrast...
In the drama, right from the beginning in episode 1 "Snow Village" |《雪村》, the drama scriptwriters team smartly hides the the second plane of existence, that is, the virtual world inside the Spirit Realm. The viewer, any viewer in fact, will assume and rightly so, that there are only two planes of existence - the real world outside the Door and the virtual world inside the Door. The drama scriptwriters team takes their cue from the author - in a similar but yet different way - and continues to conceal the truth right up to episode 72 (out of 78) where an agitated Ling Qiushi confronts Ruan Lanzhu about his suspicions, and the latter then explains the truth.
Throughout the drama, viewers have been slowly led to believe that Ling Qiushi will be the one to perform the purification process for the game and Ruan Lanzhu is there to assist him in passing all the Doors. The plot is so well disguised that viewers will never have imagined that Ruan Lanzhu is an NPC, that he is not a real person, but an AI. He is a patch created with a sole purpose to purify the game. And the best part is, even after Ruan Lanzhu confirms Lin Jiushi's suspicions that he is an NPC in episode 72 (out of 78), the truth is not fully revealed. The drama continues to conceal the second plane of existence until the last Door 11 "The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons" |《百鬼夜行》where viewers start to realise that there is more than meets the eye when Ling Jiushi cannot find Ruan Lanzhu in the headquarters of organization "Obsidian" |《黑曜石》during the daytime. But even so, viewers can only hypothesize about this anomaly since the two characters are inside a Door where all sorts of strange things are known to happen.
The full truth - the second plance of existence - is only revealed in the last two episodes after Ruan Lanzhu bids his farewell to Ling Jiushi and successfully completed his task to purify the game. To say that the truth is mind-boggling is an understatement. Because the drama, the world-building of the Doors, the characters and everything else that we have come to know so very well from the beginning to the end, are not what they are. And on top of these, the drama viewer in me, is still trying to recover from the fact that Ruan Lanzhu is an NPC.
My world as the viewer of Doors crumbles along with the realization that the entire drama takes place in the virtual world "Spirit Realm" | 灵境. All the Doors that Ling Jiushi and Ruan Lanzhu enter into reside within this Spirit Realm, not the real world. After Ling Jiushi finally comes out from the Spirit realm and returns to the real world, he find strangers living in the headquarters of organization "Obsidian" |《黑曜石》. There is no Ruan Lanzhu because he is not from the real world. The revelation takes my breath away and renders me speechless.
And finally, I will explain the reason why I prefer the ending in the book to that of the drama.
In the drama, Lin Qiushi successfully creates the "Spirit Realm" | 灵境 after fifty years, duplicating everything, everyone, and most importantly the Ruan Lanzhu, that he knows from his Door entering experiences. He uploads himself - basically his existence, his memories and all - to the "Spirit Realm" | 灵境. He reunites with Ruan Lanzhu. The pair is finally together forever. This is a happy ending. BUT, there are two things of significance to note. First, Ling Jiushi spends fifty years alone by himself in the real world before he reunites with Ruan Lanzhu. Fifty years! This is self-explanatory, I don't think I need to elaborate any further. Second, the reunion is not without cost. In truth, this reunion with Ruan Lanzhu signifies Ling Jiushi's death.
In contrast...
In the book, Ruan Nanzhu gives Lin Qiushi the choice to choose, whether to stay inside the illusory world within the twelfth Door or return to the real world. Lin Qiushi chooses the latter and spends one year alone by himself in the real world. Ruan Nanzhu relinquishes his role as the twelfth Door keeper and comes out of the Door to join Lin Qiushi in the real world. The pair is finally together. This is a happy ending too, but especially so, when we consider and compare the two things of significance. First, Ling Jiushi spends only one year by himself in the real world before Ruan Nanzhu reunites with him. Second, and most importantly, Ling Jiushi does not have to give up his life. No one has to die.
Publisher: 江苏凤凰文艺出版社
Publication date: 2021年09月
*** Favourite Quote 1 ***
《光》第5卷 米诺陶诺斯 第7章 第437页
“我也能看到别人看不到的东西。” 阮南烛道,“每个人身上都有光。”
*** Favourite Quote 2 ***
《醒不来的噩梦》第5卷 米诺陶诺斯 第7章 第446页
*** Favourite Quote 3 ***
《字面上的意思》第5卷 米诺陶诺斯 第8章 第459页
“他没什么想说的,但反复重申了一件事。” 阮南烛道,“不要对其他人怀有歹意。”
白铭:“……什么意思?” 他一时间没办法理解阮南烛口中的话。
《字面上的意思》第5卷 米诺陶诺斯 第8章 第460页
“啊?” 白铭一时间没反应过来阮南烛说的话,“无解?”
“字面上的意思。” 阮南烛道,“我进去了两次,线索都是无解。”
*** Favourite Quote 4 ***
《在乎一个人,好似有了软肋,也有了铠甲》第6卷 无解 第7章 第534页
*** Favourite Quote 5 ***
《没有你的世界,都是假的》第6卷 无解 第9章 第548页
“你喜欢白天吗?” 林秋石问他。
“不喜欢。” 阮南烛说,“白天里有很多好的东西……但是……那里没有你。”
林秋石一点点抚摸着阮南烛的头发,手指从他的发丝穿过,看向阮南烛的眼神慈爱得像是在看自己的小孩:“你本来拥有更好的人生。” 阮南烛和他不同,他有父母,有兄弟,如果没有门,他显然会过得更幸福,不用经历死亡的威胁,也不用失去那么多心爱的朋友。
“可是那里没有你啊。” 阮南烛绝望地道,“林秋石你到底懂不懂,没有你的世界,都是假的!”
《没有你的世界,都是假的》第6卷 无解 第10章 第559页
“我以为你选择了虚幻的世界。” 林秋石说,“我以为我只能一个人。”
“我说过了。” 阮南烛道,“没有你的世界,都是假的。”
~ Kaleidoscope of Death (Break the Cocoon book 2) |《死亡万花筒》破茧【下】
Xi Zi Xu | 西子绪
起初的异样,是家里的猫不让抱了。 林秋石发现周围的一切都开始变得充满了不协调感。 然后某一天,当他推开家中的门,却发现熟悉的楼道变成了长长的走廊。 走廊的两头,是十二扇一模一样的铁门。 故事由此开始。
*Blurb from Goodreads*
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Thursday, December 12, 2024
Review: Kaleidoscope of Death (Break the Cocoon #1) by Xi Zi Xu |《死亡万花筒》破茧【上】西子绪著

5 stars for Kaleidoscope of Death (Break the Cocoon book 1) by Xi Zi Xu |《死亡万花筒》破茧【上】西子绪著.
I didn't expect myself to be so absorbed in this series but when a story is good, it is hard not to. I continue with this second volume of Break the Cocoon | 《破茧》right after I have finished reading Like a Dream |《入梦》.
Similar to the previous two books Like a Dream book 1 and Like a Dream book 2, there are a total of four doors in this book. I am familiar with three of the doors and its content from having watched the drama - three out of four is what I will say a very good number. The main difference is that the Doors are named differently in the book and I am so used to the name of the Door in the drama that it is hard to get used to the ones in the book. One thing to note is that the last Door in this book, Door 12, is actually not a complete door story as it stretches into the next book which is also the final one.
Truth be told, I do not particularly like Door 11 - yes, the new Door - as I find the setting somewhat stale. When we first have a high school setting in Door 5《佐子》, the idea is fresh and welcoming, but a second one again not long after albeit a University school setting, is just too much. The good thing is, other than Door 11, I have a great time immersing myself in the world-building of the other three Doors.
Again, for my own reference, I am putting down name of the doors here as listed in the book (the former) as opposed to what the drama has it termed (the latter). Though name of the doors could be the same, the door content and its sequence as showned in the drama does not always follow that of the book. Also, as what the author has pointed out, I want to highlight that the number of doors in the title is based on the number of doors entered by character Lin Qiushi, not the level he entered.
Book Door 9《哭儿郎》vs Drama Door 8《夜哭郎》
Book Door 10《晴天娃娃》vs Drama Door 9《扫晴娘》
Book Door 11《雕像》vs Drama Door does not have this
Book Door 12《发鬼》vs Drama Door 10《箱妖》
I am now left with the final book in this Kaleidoscope of Death series |《死亡万花筒》. I am not sure how I feel yet. But one thing I know for sure is, I don't want the story to end. I feel that, so long as I am reading and still reading, the characters will always be alive, and with me.
Publisher: 江苏凤凰文艺出版社
Publication date: 2021年09月
起初的异样,是家里的猫不让抱了。 林秋石发现周围的一切都开始变得充满了不协调感。 然后某一天,当他推开家中的门,却发现熟悉的楼道变成了长长的走廊。 走廊的两头,是十二扇一模一样的铁门。 故事由此开始。
*Blurb from Goodreads*
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Saturday, December 7, 2024
Review: Kaleidoscope of Death (Like a Dream #2) by Xi Zi Xu |《死亡万花筒》入梦【下】西子绪著
5 stars for Kaleidoscope of Death (Like a Dream book 2) by Xi Zi Xu |《死亡万花筒》入梦【下】西子绪著.
This book continues from where Door 5 was briefly introduced in book 1. Door 5 is a terrifying, unforgettable door. It leaves a deep impression long after I watched the drama, The Spirealm |《致命游戏》. That said, it is surprisingly one of my favourite doors. It creeps me out the most, and yet at the same time, moved me to tears.
As mentioned in my last review, the characters need to go through the doors and solve a mystery in each one before moving to the next door. By reading the finer details in this original story, I now have a much better understanding of each door and what it entails.
Same as book 1, there are four doors in this book, two of which I am already familiar with having watched the drama. However, the same cannot be said for the other two doors - they are totally new to me. Obviously, for one reason or another, these two doors have been omitted, or I should say, been re-scripted by the drama production team. The consolation is, most if not all, of the characters' names are kept intact. So, the sense of familiarity is still there even as I plough through the doors in the book.
Again, for my own reference, I am putting down name of the doors here as listed in the book (the former) as opposed to what the drama has it termed (the latter). Though name of the doors could be the same, the door content and its sequence as showned in the drama does not always follow that of the book. Also, as what the author has pointed out, I want to highlight that the number of doors in the title is based on the number of doors entered by character Lin Qiushi, not the level he entered.
Book Door 5《佐子》vs Drama Door 5《佐子》
Book Door 6《乌鸦稻草人》vs Drama Door does not have this
Book Door 7《威福利山疗养院》vs Drama Door 6《威福利山疗养院》
Book Door 8《铜镜》vs Drama Door does not have this
Though Door 8 is new to me, I actually quite like the story and the way the author crafted the world behind this door. It is not only spooky, mysterious and full of twists and turns, it is also filled with touching, emotional scenes.
I think I am reading this series a tad too fast. I want to slow down my reading to prolong my enjoyment of the story and the mystery behind each door. I know it is easier said than done, but I shall try. Well, we will know when I post my next review.
Publisher: 江苏凤凰文艺出版社
Publication date: 2021年07月
*** Favourite Quote 1 ***
《字面上的意思》第5卷 佐子 第3章 第372页
“我们在调查关于你们班级的事。” 阮南烛开门见山,直接拿出了他们从档案馆里找到的那张照片,“我们想问,照片里少的那个人叫什么名字?”
“字面上的意思。” 黎东源突然开口,他的语气非常冷静,“我们也不是要为难你,只是想问清楚照片上到底少了谁,她的名字到底是什么?”
《字面上的意思》第6卷 乌鸦稻草人 第4章 第448页
“在第一扇门的时候我就发现了。” 阮南烛说,“林秋石,你其实……很适合这里。”
阮南烛:“字面上的意思,你的适应能力非常好。” 甚至可以说好过头了,在阮南烛出去调查到林秋石的的确确是第一次进门之后,便知道林秋石是个和门内世界很契合的人,想找到这样的人,并不是件容易的事。
《字面上的意思》第8卷 铜镜 第4章 第625页
“是啊,怎么了?” 罗千山笑了笑,“不像?”
“字面上的意思。” 阮南烛说,“你妹妹是在第几扇门死的?”
*** Favourite Quote 2 ***
《成仙》第6卷 乌鸦稻草人 第5章 第456页
*** Favourite Quote 3 ***
《光芒》第8卷 铜镜 第1章 第585页
*** Favourite Quote 4 ***
《无论是你的一辈子,还是我的一辈子》第8卷 铜镜 第8章 第654页
阮南烛沉默片刻,缓缓开口:“我第一次独自进门的时候很害怕。” 他似乎觉得有些好笑,“怕得要死,不过怕也没用,身边的人总不能带我一辈子……林秋石。 ” 他叫了林秋石的名字。
~ Kaleidoscope of Death (Like a Dream book 2) |《死亡万花筒》入梦【下】
Xi Zi Xu | 西子绪
起初的异样,是家里的猫不让抱了。 林秋石发现周围的一切都开始变得充满了不协调感。 然后某一天,当他推开家中的门,却发现熟悉的楼道变成了长长的走廊。 走廊的两头,是十二扇一模一样的铁门。 故事由此开始。
*Blurb from Goodreads*
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Friday, November 29, 2024
Review: Kaleidoscope of Death (Like a Dream #1) by Xi Zi Xu |《死亡万花筒》入梦【上】西子绪著
5 stars for Kaleidoscope of Death (Like a Dream book 1) by Xi Zi Xu |《死亡万花筒》入梦【上】西子绪著.
It has been a long time since I read a Chinese novel. I read this novel because I watched the Chinese drama "The Spirealm" |《致命游戏》. I like the drama story so much that I watched it twice successively. But somehow, I find that it is still not enough. Then I realised why - I want very much to know the original story that was penned by the author, not just the one that has been re-scripted by the drama production team. So, I went ahead to place my order to buy the books and read them for myself. It is never too late to start reading the original work.
Indeed, the Chinese drama "The Spirealm" |《致命游戏》originates from a suspenseful online novel, Kaleidoscope of Death |《死亡万花筒》written by author Xi Zi Xu. It is serialized in Jinjiang Literature City. The full text has a total of 857,083 words and has been completed. It tells the story of a man called Lin Qiushi who accidentally entered a strange world called "Door". Behind each door lies a different horror scene and life-and-death test. Due to its popularity, the story is now available in dead tree version. The box set is divided into two volumes "Like a Dream" |《入梦》and Break the Cocoon |《破茧》. Each volume has two books - a total of four books.
I enjoyed reading this book immensely. Even though I already know much of the story and its development from watching the Chinese drama, it is still a joy reading the book. For one, a drama will never be filmed and portrayed exactly as it is intended in the book. So, there will always be room for enjoyment.
"Like a Dream" book 1 |《入梦》【上】is as mysterious as its title. The book concentrates on the lower level doors in an alternate world where the two main characters, Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu, enter to find themselves in unexpected strange encounters. To survive, they work together to find clues that will lead them to a key to open a door - the door that will bring them back to the relative safety of the real world. In the process, they have to face not only the terrifying creatures and strange events behind the door, but also uncover the deep connection between themselves and the world. There are a total of four doors in this book 1, all of them equally scary and bizarre.
For my own reference, I am putting down name of the doors here as listed in the book (the former) as opposed to what the drama has it termed (the latter). Though name of the doors could be the same, the door content and its sequence as showned in the drama does not always follow that of the book. Also, as what the author has pointed out, I want to highlight that the number of doors in the title is based on the number of doors entered by character Lin Qiushi, not the level he entered.
Book Door 1《独自莫凭拦》vs Drama Door 1《雪村》
Book Door 2《菲尔夏鸟》vs Drama Door 2《菲尔夏鸟》
Book Door 3《阿姐鼓》vs Drama Door 3《阿姐鼓》
Book Door 4《雨中女郎》vs Drama Door 7《雨中女郎》
I have not read much this year, yet it took me only a week to finish reading this entire book 1. Well, I guess that says a lot about how brilliant this author is, in spinning a captivating tale that is not only spine-chilling but also sprinkled with lighthearted moments and an element of (sexual) innuendo.
I think I have found and gotten back what I have lost in the past year - the motivation to read and my love for reading.
Friday, October 18, 2024
Review: My Life on a Plate by India Knight
4 stars for My Life on a Plate by India Knight.
This is a long overdue post. I am pretty sure I finish reading this book at least four months ago. It seems such a long time that I can hardly recall what I want to say.
Well, not all is lost... I do remember this story being lighthearted and entertaining. I will say I have a relaxing time reading it and laughing over some of the hilarious conversations embedded in the story.
Monday, June 3, 2024
Review: The White Dawn: An Eskimo Saga by James A. Houston
4 stars for The White Dawn: An Eskimo Saga by James A. Houston.
The White Dawn is a thought-provoking and insightful novel that explores the complexities of cultural clashes and the devastating consequences of increasing foreign influences.
The story takes place in 1896 in the Canadian Arctic where three shipwrecked whalers are rescued by an Eskimo tribe, and nursed back to health by the Inuit community who share their food and way of life. As the three outsiders integrate into the community, they cause disturbances to the delicate social fabric of the tribe, leading to a downward spiral of cultural destruction. To quote "From the first day we brought the strangers to the village, everything started to change for us. We began to look at our own lives through their eyes. For the first time we started to see ourselves."
Told in first person by Avinga, the Eskimo leader's half son who is half cripple and a half slave to his household, the narrative offers a unique insider's perspective on the tribe's values, traditions and way of life. The author's vivid descriptions of the Arctic landscape and his thoughtful portrayal of the Eskimo people demonstrates his deep respect and understanding of their culture. Through this story, the author sheds light on the destructive nature of increasing foreign influences and the importance of preserving cultural identities.
The White Dawn is a captivating and educational read that will resonate with readers who are interested in cultural heritage, historical fiction and the Arctic region.
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Review: The Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell
4 stars for The Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell.
It has taken me long enough to say this - I finish reading my first book of the year.
2023 was a difficult year. I am still trying to find back pieces of myself. It is not easy, but it helps with time. It is getting better now but I think it will be a long time before I can find back the balance that used to give me the strength and motivation to read. And I suspect, there may be a part of me, that is lost forever. Gone with the wind. I might never get it back.
I bought this book from a secondhand bookstore in Edinburgh, Scotland last November. I knew this book was meant for me the moment I entered Main Point Books, located just a stone's throw from Edinburgh Books, another secondhand bookstore and a big one too. This book was placed on top of a low shelf, obvious to anyone walking in. I was surprised that no one else had taken a fancy to it as the book is in an amazingly good condition considering a secondhand. So, I like to think it is meant for me as I have had this book on my reading list since August 2019.
The Diary of a Bookseller is the real life account of a year in the life of Shaun Bythell, owner and manager of a secondhand bookstore called The Book Shop, in a quaint Scottish town - Wigtown. He takes us with him on buying trips to old estates, auction houses and books deals. We also get to see the down side on the business of secondhand book trade such as internet downtime and grappling with a poor system that goes inoperable like a quarter of the time. I have been curious about this but the author never truly reveals about his stock acquiring - what factors determine the books he buys and the amount he offers to book sellers. He put it down simply as having no rules and that he makes his own. So, I gather it is all about experience and gut feel.
One thing that I certainly have not expected about secondhand book trade is the amount of time spent on the road - as many as thirteen hours of driving - to meet with booksellers. That and the amount of time and energy spent on carrying and moving boxes of book collections. To quote "... books dealers spend a good deal of time lifting boxes of books in and out of vehicles and off the floor in uncomfortable, awkward spaces. I calculated that I lift about fifteen tons of books every year, and those fifteen tons will be moved a minimum of three times."
This memoir is not just about the book deal business and interaction with customers, readers are also offered snippets of the author's life such as his hill-walking, sailing and mountain-biking trips with close friend Callum or his love for fishing. Though lighthearted and humorous, the book touches on a topic that I have never really given much consideration before, and that is, what happens to the books we own when we die. Some of the stories the author shares are sad in the sense that "One man's treasure is another man's trash". When the owner passed on, the books are also passed on as family members do not want to keep them.
I try listing down the books mentioned in this book to the best of my ability, but there are some, which I may have missed out or deliberately omitted due to one reason or another.
Bookshop Memories by George Orwell (essay)
Black Books by Dylan Moran (sitcom)
Three Fevers by Leo Walmsley (thriller fiction)
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon (history non-fiction)
Keep The Aspidistra Flying by George Orwell (literary fiction)
Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops by Jen Campbell (non fiction)
The Bankrupt Bookseller Speaks Again by William Young Darling (non fiction)
Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing? by Leszek Kolakowski (Philosophy non fiction)
On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin (scientific non fiction)
Gay Agony by H. A. Manhood
Three Things You Need to Know About Rockets: A Real-Life Scottish Fairy Tale by Jessica A. Fox
Talk Dirty Yiddish: Beyond Drek: the Curses, Slang, and Street Lingo You Need to Know When You Speak Yiddish by Ilene Schneider (language non fiction)
Collectible Spoons of the Third Reich by James Yannes (historical non fiction)
Pebble Mill Good Meat Guide by Ken Hutchings (non fiction)
Other passports by Clive James (poetry)
Prospero's Cell by Lawrence Durrell (autobiography non fiction)
Sartre: Romantic Rationalist by Iris Murdoch (non fiction)
A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute Norway (romance fiction)
100+ Principles of Genetics by Anthony J.F. Griffiths and Joan McPherson (non fiction)
The Ascent of Rum Doodle by William Ernest Bowman (humor fiction)
Any Human Heart by William Boyd (literary fiction)*
Waverley by Sir Walter Scott (historical fiction)
Scott-Land: The Man Who Invented a Nation by Stuart Kelly (biography non fiction)
Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol (literary fiction)
A Book of Silence by Sara Maitland (autobiography non fiction)
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell (science fiction)
Orient Express: A Personal Journey by Ivan Fallon and James Sherwood (autobiography non fiction)
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner by James Hogg (mystery fiction)
The House at Pooh Corner by A. A. Milne (children's fiction)
The Complete Guide to Starting and Running a Bookshopby Malcolm Gibson (reference non fiction)
The Hobbit by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (fantasy fiction)
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (literary fiction)
Sexing Day-Old Chicks by William Percy Blount (reference non fiction)
Antiquities of Scotland by Francis Grose (historical non fiction)
Tam O 'Shanter by Robert Burns (poetry)
The First Statistical Account of Scotland by Sir John Sinclair (reference non fiction)
Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (commonly known as the Kilmarnock Edition) by Robert Burns (poetry)
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection by Charles Darwin (philosophy non fiction)
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith (philosophy nonfiction)
Lady Chatterley's Lover by D. H. Lawrence (romance fiction)
Ulysses by James Joyce (literary fiction)
Where No Man Cries by Emma Blair (literary fiction)
Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar by Simon Sebag Montefiore (biography non fiction)
Vamping Made Easy - For All Who Wish to Play by Julius Berne (music non fiction)
The Bookshop Book by Jen Campbell (humor non fiction)
Ethics by Baruch Spinoza (philosophy non fiction)
Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson (historical fiction)
The Places in Between by Rory Stewart (memoir non fiction)
Angry White Pyjamas by Robert Twigger (memoir non fiction)
A History of Orgies by Burgo Partridge (history non fiction)
Laughter: A Scientific Investigation by Robert R. Provine (psychology non fiction)
The dieter's guide to weight loss during sex by Richard Smith (humor non fiction)
The Busconductor Hines by James Kelman (general fiction)
Feersum Endjinn by Iain M. Banks (science fiction)
The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien (literary fiction)
The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio (historical fiction, short stories)
A Gambling Man: Charles II and the Restoration by Jenny Uglow (biography non fiction)
The Observer's book of Observer's books by Peter Marren (reference non fiction)
E. D. Morel, the Man and His Work by Seymour Cocks (biography non fiction)
The Surnames of Scotland by George F. Black (history non fiction)
The Kilmarnock Edition by Robert Burns (poetry)
The Diary of Samuel Pepys by Samuel Pepys (memoir non fiction)
The Book of Mormon by Joseph Smith Jr. (religion non fiction)
The Whisky Distilleries of the United Kingdom by Alfred Barnard (historical non fiction)
Whereabouts: Notes on Being a Foreigner by Alastair Reid (autobiography non fiction)
A Tour of Scotland in 1769 by Thomas Pennant (travel non fiction)
A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland by Martin Martin (travel non fiction)
A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain by Daniel Defoe (travel non fiction)
Observations On a Tour Through the Highlands and Part of the Western Isles of Scotland by Thomas Garnett (travel non fiction)
A Journey from Edinburgh through Parts of North Britain by Alexander Campbell (travel non fiction)
The Winding Stair and Other Poems by William Butler Yeats (poetry)
The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham (science fiction)
The House of Elrig by Gavin Maxwell (memoir non fiction)
The Railway Man: A POW's Searing Account of War, Brutality and Forgiveness by Eric Lomax (autobiography non fiction)
The Intimate thoughts of John Baxter, Bookseller by Augustus Muir (books & bookstores fiction)
In Patagonia by Bruce Chatwin (travel non fiction)
The Bankrupt Bookseller by William Y. Darling (general fiction)
A Guide to the Orthodox Jewish Way of Life for Healthcare Professionals by Joseph Spitzer (non fiction)
Experiences of a Railway Guard: Thrilling stories of the rail by James Ferguson (non fiction)
Wigtown Ploughman: Part of His Life by John McNeillie (general fiction)
The Colliery Fireman's Pocket Book by Thomas Bryson (non fiction)
Seven Pillars of Wisdom by Thomas Edward Lawrence (autobiography non fiction)
Eleanor of Aquitaine by Alison Weir (biography non fiction)
The Reforming of Dangerous and Useless Horses by Mike Rimington (non fiction)
Sewage Disposal from Isolated Buildings by G. M. Flood (non fiction)
Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding by J. G. Dawber and A. T. Moore (non fiction)
A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole (literary fiction)
Farthest North by Fridtjof Nansen (memoir non fiction)
The Worst Journey in the World by Apsley Cherry-Garrard (memoir non fiction)
South with Scott by Edward R.G.R. Evans (history non fiction)
South: The Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition 1914-1917 by Ernest Shackleton (memoir non fiction)
The Heart of the Antarctic: The Farthest South Expedition 1907-1909 by Ernest Shackleton (memoir non fiction)
He Was Born Gay: a Romance in Three Acts by Emlyn Williams (play)
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes (literary fiction)
The Odyssey by Homer (poetry)
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner (literary fiction)
Pomfret Towers by Angela Thirkell (historical fiction)
Doctor No by Ian Fleming (thriller fiction)
Martialis by Martial (poetry)
Henry: Virtuous Prince by David Starkey (biography non fiction)
The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells (science fiction)
Galloway Gossip Sixty Years Ago by Robert de Bruce Trotter (reference non fiction)
Working With Depressed Women: A Feminist Approach by Alison Corob (reference non fiction)
Daniel Deronda by George Eliot (literary fiction)
Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James (romance fiction)
Incontinence by Susan Hahn (poetry)
And the Ass Saw the Angel by Nick Cave (literary fiction)
Scotland's Lost Gardens: From the Garden of Eden to the Stewart Palaces by Marilyn Brown (non fiction)
Highways and Byways in the West Highlands by Seton Gordon (non fiction)
The collected poems of Kathleen Raine by Kathleen Raine (poetry)
Ring of Bright Water by Gavin Maxwell (autobiography non fiction)
Red Nile: A Biography of the World's Greatest River by Robert Twigger (biography non fiction)
Robin Ince's Bad Book Club: One Man's Quest to Uncover the Books that Time Forgot by Robin Ince (humor non fiction)
Araki: Tokyo Lucky Hole by Akira Suei and Nobuyoshi Araki (art and photography non fiction)
Scholar-gipsies by John Buchan (essays non fiction)
A Royal Passion: The Turbulent Marriage of Charles I and Henrietta Maria by Katie Whitaker (history non fiction)
The House of Elrig by Gavin Maxwell (autobiography non fiction)
The Tinkler-Gypsies of Galloway by Andrew McCormick (history non fiction)
An open letter by Seamus Heaney (poetry)
The Penguin Book of Contemporary British Poetry by Blake Morrison and Andrew Motion (poetry)
Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson (historical fiction)
Once a Customer Always a Customer: How to Deliver Customer Service that Creates Customers for Life by Chris Daffy (reference non fiction)
Biggles Takes It Rough by W. E. Johns (thriller fiction)
Alien Sex: The Body and Desire in Cinema and Theology by Gerard Loughlin (non fiction)
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad (literary fiction)
Lord of the Flies by William Golding (young adult fiction)
The Meaning of Liff by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd (reference non fiction)
King Charles II by Antonia Fraser (biography non fiction)
The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot (historical fiction)
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling by Henry Fielding (historical fiction)
Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell (biography non fiction)
H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald (memoir non fiction)
Love in a Cold Climate by Nancy Mitford (literary fiction)
Ian Niall: Part of His Life by Andrew McNeillie (biography non fiction)
Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy (historical fiction)
Highways and Byways in Galloway and Carrick by Charles Hill Dick (non fiction)
Eyeless in Gaza by Aldous Huxley (literary fiction)
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger (literary fiction)
Decline and Fall by Evelyn Waugh (literary fiction)
Blindness by José Saramago (literary fiction)
Pereira Maintains by Antonio Tabucchi (literary fiction)
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner by James Hogg (mystery fiction)
A Toast Fag by Harold Avery (children's fiction)
The Restraint of Beasts by Magnus Mills (literary fiction)
A Young Man's Passage by Julian Clary (autobiography non fiction)
Donald McLeod's Gloomy memories in the Highlands of Scotland by Donald McLeod (history non fiction)
A Drug-taker's Notes by Richard Heron Ward (non fiction)
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler (autobiography non fiction)
The Satyricon by Petronius (literary fiction)
The Flag in the Wind by John MacCormick (non fiction)
Cuckoo Problems by E. C. Stuart Baker (non fiction)
The Temple of Flora by Robert John Thornton (biography non fiction)
The Birds of America by John James Audubon (biography non fiction)
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner by James Hogg (mystery fiction)
The Universal Singular: The Autobiography of Pierre Emmanuel by Pierre Emmanuel (autobiography non fiction)
Chattering: Stories by Louise Stern (short stories, fiction)
Georgian London: Into the Streets by Lucy Inglis (reference, non fiction)
British Trees: a Guide for Everyman by Miles Hadfield (reference non fiction)
The Cone Gatherers by Robin Jenkins (literary fiction)
The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky (historical fiction)
The Princes in the Tower by Alison Weir (biography non fiction)
Based on all the books mentioned in this book, I cannot help but feel that the world of books is deep and vast. There are so many genres and subgenres of fiction and non fiction out there. And what I have been exposed to so far is just a tiny fraction.
Besides books, this book also mentioned a book club. So curious am I that I actually did a Facebook search for this Random Book Club. And I dropped them a message asking if overseas people can join and how to go about making payment for the yearly subscription fee of GBP59. Sadly, to date, I still have not received a reply. I also checked out the website of The Bookshop at www.the-bookshop.com. Maybe, one day, I may order book(s) from them.
This is a book for all booklovers, and especially booklovers who wish to work in a bookstore.
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