
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Review: Duplicate Effort (Retrieval Artist #7) by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

5 stars for Duplicate Effort (Retrieval Artist book 7) by Kristine Kathryn Rusch.

In my opinion, an author who ventures - and more importantly is willing - to kill off her story characters is one who will go far in spinning stories that are remarkably different and then proceed to top them off with phenomenal sequels. Rusch, author of the Retrieval Artist series definitely qualifies as one such; she takes me by surprise book after book with the unexpected and irrevocable dropout of characters most of whom at first instance give the impression of vital importance.

In this seventh and final instalment of the Retrieval Artist series, Rusch skilfully gathers all the big names and put them to work as they scramble to solve the mystery - a case which seems to be mostly about technology and designs - of the year.

  • First, we have Ki Bowles, an investigative reporter who used to work in InterDome Media, the biggest media conglomerate on the Moon, making a huge comeback with news that stagger even the most calm.

  • Following closely behind the footsteps of Ki Bowles is Detective Bartholomew Nyquist, a down-to-earth character who prefers to live his life, do his job and spend time with the people he cares about. He is assigned the lead detective in the case.

  • Then we see the return of Attorney Wagner from Wagner, Stuart and Xendor, the Moon’s largest law firm which also happens to be one of the largest law firms in the Earth Alliance.

  • Next, we have investigation in the works by none other than Noelle DeRicci, Miles Flint’s former partner at the police department. As Security Chief for the United Domes of the Moon, DeRicci is now charged with protecting not just Armstrong but all the Domes on the Moon against the unknown and unimaginable.

  • Last but not least, we have the star of the series, Miles Flint, without whom there will be no story to tell. Though Flint has left the Detective Division about four years ago to work - as a Retrieval Artist - at the edges of the law, he is still pretty well known at the precinct and carries some clout to aid in his research.

As with most cases - and in reality - in the series, not everything has an answer. But yet the author works her way through the haze of a maze to emerge with brilliant solutions to dilemmas that grapple with ethical issues. This in conjunction with the enterprising attitude makes Rusch an extraordinary author; one who continues to roll out the greatest science fiction fantasy novels of all time.

Though I am happy to have travelled alongside Flint for the past many weeks, I am sad to have reached the end of his/our journey. Yes, I have a lovely and memorable time but I also agree that all good things must - come to an - end. And so it is with some reluctance amid much joy that I part with Flint, the Retrieval Artist.

Publisher: WMG Publishing
Publication date: 9 Nov 2012


Retrieval Artist Miles Flint has a mission: take down the law firm of Wagner, Stuart, and Xendor. He enlists the aides of old friends and old enemies. But as the mission gets underway, one member of his team dies horribly.

Flint can no longer take on the entire universe. He violated the rules of his Retrieval Artist mentor and now has a lot to lose. But he can’t reverse the events he set in motion—and the crisis he caused might destroy everything—and everyone—he loves.

*Blurb from author's website*

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